
Channel Rock Holdings Corp. 226-55 SW 112th Ave Miami, FL 33176 Approved for $1,575,000.00 Hard Money loan for renovation of commercial property.

Residential Hard Money renovation. 7 Cambridge Drive Belleville, IL 62226 Approved for $50,000.00 to complete major renovation project on fixer-upper 1 Family home.

Christ International Mission church Approved for:$652,000.00 Purchase Loan for Bronx, NY commercial property.

United Church of God Seventh Day Lynbrook, NY 11563 Approved for: $175,000.00 loan for basic renovation and upgrade work to their building.

Rising Star Missionary Baptist church Aurora, Colorado 80247 Approved for: $1,400,000.00 Hard Money Refinance to refinance their current note and complete some much needed repairs, upgrades to their church property.

Recent Transaction: Immaculate Pentecostal Church of Christ Bronx, NY 11412 Approved for:$1,500,000.00 Stated Income Purchase loan to finally acquire the very building they've been worshipping in for over a decade. As I've always stated, it pays to have various options available to help your clients reach their goals and realize their dreams.

Bethel New life in Christ Ministry Brooklyn, NY 11228 Approved for: $2,000,000.00 Stated Income loan for purchase of new property to expand church ministry. As a reminder, Stated Income loans only require a minimum of 600 FICO score to qualify. This program is a No Doc loan vehicle.

First Haitian Evangelical Church of Queens Approved for: $1,500,000,.00 Stated Income Cash-out Refinance to complete purchase of a property

Full Life Gospel church Dorchester, Massachusetts Approved for: $1,500,000.00 Stated Income loan for refinance and renovation of church building.

House of Prayer Ministries International Approved for: $832,000.00 Stated Income Purchase loan of former Aquatic Center with attached residential property to be renovated and used as a house of worship.

Church Tsidkenu San Diego, California Approved for: $2,100,000.00 Stated Income Purchase loan for church property. Stated Income commercial loans will usually yield a 70% LTV with a 30 year amortization.

Open Bible Baptist Church Baltimore, Maryland 21206 Approved for: $300,000.00 Hard Money purchase loan to secure a rectory for their ministry.

The Apostolic Church international Grace Assembly Bronx, NY 10456 Approved for: $1,170,000.00 Stated Income purchase loan to secure a commercial property for expansion of their current ministry.

The Go Church Chicago Hammond, IN 60409 Approved for $200,000.00 conventional purchase loan of former First Midwest Bank branch commercial property

Greater Grace Church Merrillville, IN 46410 Approved for: $825,000.00 Stated Income purchase loan to expand their current ministry and offer more services to the community.